【12月9日開催】ビジネススクール 国際経営コース 入試説明会/MBA Course Information Session

【お名前】(必須)※姓と名の間に空白を入れて下さい。(例. 関学 太郎)
【Name】(Mandatory)*Please insert a space between first name and last name.(e.g. Taro Kangaku)


【Email address】(Mandatory)

【Email address〈Confirmation〉】(Mandatory)

【Country you live】(Mandatory)

【Phone number】(Mandatory)



If you chose "Other," please provide the details.

/Only for current students of Kwansei Gakuin University(Mandatory for KGU students)
【Name of department】

【How did you get to know about this Information Session?】(Multiple answers allowed)

If you chose "Other," please provide the details.

【Questions】(If you have any)

※個人情報の取り扱いについて/Use of Personal Data
The personal data you provided to us is collected for the purpose of contacting regarding this event and analyzing the tendency, and is stored in a secure server.